PROGNOST®-SenSim is a portable device for sensor signal simulation. It simulates static and dynamic signals for measuring loop test routines.
Patented device for the realistic sensor signal simulation
The sensor simulation capabilities are:
- Signal simulation for sensor signal with separate setting for static and dynamic signal components
- Signal simulation of full sensor measuring range
- Predefined sensor library including most commonly used Eddy Current and Acceleration/Velocity sensor types
- Users conveniently apply values in units they regularly deal with (g’s, inch/sec, mil, bar etc). eliminating the need for complex electrical conversion into mV, mA etc.
2ooX voting logic - The testing procedures can be carried out without taking off the sensors. This eliminates all associated risks, such as sensor damage or re calibration issues
- PROGNOST®-SenSim is patented by the European Patent Office since 2018
Sensor signal simulation
It simulates sensors with static and dynamic signals for machine protection systems (Safety Instrumented Systems) and measuring loop test routines.
With PROGNOST®-SenSim, testing of machine protection systems procedures can be carried out without disassembly and reassembly of the sensors. This eliminates all associated risks, such as sensor damage or calibration issues. The defined and precise violation of real safety limit settings makes the execution of PTI (Proof Test Interval) fully compliant to IEC regulatory requirements (No manipulation of safety limits to initiate Alarms / Shutdowns / Unsafe conditions).
Enhance Safety Proof Test Intervals (PTI)
Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) perform specified functions to achieve a safe state of process when dangerous conditions occur. It is their aim to mitigate consequential events. Loops of Safety Instrumented Systems consist of
- Sensors
- Logic solvers (processing the sensor signal and giving outputs)
- Final elements (taking action to bring the process to a safe state, e.g. safety shutdown)
Regulatory requirements
According to the IEC 61511 Lifecycle Concept, many SIS specific monitoring and test activities are required to maintain the desired level of safety integrity, i.e. Safety Integrity Level (SIL). This validation is called Proof Test Interval (PTI) and has to be carried out on a regular basis. Proof tests must be conducted as defined procedures that ensure tests are done correctly and systematically. Failed devices must be repaired or exchanged to achieve completely reliable process safety.
Monitoring rotating equipment
The population of rotating equipment in the process industry is huge. Pumps, compressors and auxiliary systems are integral parts of the production process. Many of these are rated as “critical” and call for a reliable and adequate safety protection system. The most commonly used method for condition monitoring and safety protection of rotating machines is vibration analysis with velocity, acceleration and proximity sensors. PROGNOST®-SenSim is the first and only product available that is able to simulate sensor outputs, including their electrical behavior producing realistic static and dynamic signals.

Sensor signal simulation capabilities
- Realistic signal simulation of all types of sensors by means of separate setting of static and dynamic signal components
- Simulation of full sensor measuring range
- Phased signals (TDC/BDC and 360° crank angle)
- Produces three signals in parallel, e.g.
- ICP + ICP + Phase reference
- ICP + 4…20 mA + Phase reference
- 4…20 mA + 4…20 mA + Phase reference
- Applicable for ICP / IEPE, 4 … 20mA, Eddy Current, Voltage
- Eddy Current sensor simulation can also be used to produce rotating speed
Machine protection functions and algorithms
- 2ooX voting
- Plausibility check
- Count of number of consecutive revolutions of safety limit violation (phase referenced signal)
This device is most helpful
- Instrumentation Engineers
- Diagnostic Services Groups
- Machine vendors and OEMs